The list of the best users by moves April 2024

Here is a list of the best players of the month April 2024. The ranking is calculated at the end of each month. 100 points are awarded for the least number of moves, 80 points for second place (similar to ski jumping competitions). If two players have the same time, the player who finished the game earlier will get more points. To be higher in this ranking, complete many different puzzles and make as few mistakes as possible when solving.

Position Player Solved puzzles Score
1. terM 3,745 327,568
2. Gaga 3,182 316,111
3. Tercia 3,189 271,804
4. HUSALFEN 2,109 134,741
5. IKA 1,492 104,785
6. DENIZE_BRAZIL 1,146 100,524
7. ALCIA 978 94,309
8. kaz 886 86,791
9. kasia_stefa 552 50,085
10. barmar 477 45,952
11. rys 500 45,059
12. Wiktoria 486 45,056
13. aaaaa 483 34,815
14. waldi 502 34,581
15. helenka 330 30,038
16. Rene71 328 29,140
17. Gra 240 22,201
18. Izab 226 22,196
19. m.k 277 22,045
20. stela 267 21,722
21. puzzlelover 220 21,390
22. mita 298 20,552
23. crashdaddy 236 19,315
24. SernikHalinki1930. 230 19,275
25. Magusia2024 216 18,770
26. Bajelka 283 18,565
27. Basia12345 206 18,486
28. jagoda 274 18,317
29. andrzej41 228 17,872
30. babcia 56 233 17,278
31. Wanda 226 16,261
32. Dorotha 230 15,934
33. motylek 159 15,860
34. tedi 162 15,816
35. AMariTori 156 14,847
36. Jasia 196 14,413
37. g 152 13,766
38. etomek 134 13,340
39. igrek 209 13,203
40. Gośkaa 144 13,200
41. gco 164 13,097
42. rycho 152 13,045
43. jff 159 12,502
44. anija1 140 12,397
45. Ewcia 137 12,301
46. FgFg 160 12,074
47. JOANNA 137 12,073
48. Balbina 184 12,008
49. luna82 132 11,374
50. soso 113 11,280
51. bandytka 115 11,217
52. Patricia 127 11,093
53. piole 130 11,039
54. oga 149 10,830
55. ana 142 10,819
56. Diama 106 10,520
57. vaclav2720 128 10,344
58. Gani24 131 10,248
59. avia 166 10,061
60. Irena 57 123 9,976
61. atk 99 9,840
62. MAGDA.G 195 9,795
63. grazyna63 118 9,711
64. Zsófi43 99 9,696
65. rrr 117 9,619
66. ula 109 9,455
67. ogi 125 9,408
68. xxxx 114 9,223
69. mattad 121 8,942
70. bożena 109 8,740
71. Iga 134 8,553
72. IKAKK 114 8,480
73. olo 132 8,412
74. TeresaW 124 8,356
75. Alka1 94 8,339
76. jurasek 100 8,273
77. elaw 96 8,270
78. maria 91 8,152
79. barbara 89 8,080
80. Martina 97 8,063
81. kiki 124 7,991
82. Dżasti 80 7,940
83. zOSIA 111 7,845
84. bozena 112 7,826
85. ter26 108 7,627
86. DAS1946 87 7,603
87. Felix 91 7,585
88. ella 89 7,523
89. bozka 128 7,489
90. vika 75 7,440
91. fuckPutin 75 7,400
92. bowess 115 7,397
93. Marek 97 7,377
94. Alinas 89 7,343
95. moare 87 7,287
96. Maja 138 7,262
97. Kotek 92 7,243
98. u 78 7,170
99. Софка Чакоян 79 7,157
100. jeff 80 7,118